Certificates of Deposit are the easiest and safest way to save if you do not have an immediate need for excess funds. The rate is guaranteed for a specific period of time, and generally, the longer the term, the higher the interest rate earned. You can choose to withdraw your interest, transfer your interest monthly to another Rio Bank account, or leave it in the account and allow the interest to compound.
Enjoy these benefits with our CD's:
- Competitive rates
- You pick your maturity date: 1 to 5 year terms
- Low minimum deposit of $2,500
- Interest rate fixed for term of the Certificate
- Interest compounded quarterly
- At maturity interest can be withdrawn or transferred to another Rio Bank account with no penalty, or remain in the account to compound
Visit any of Rio Bank's convenient locations to open any of these accounts today!
All deposits are FDIC insured up to $250,000.00.